Buy Worldmark® Credits

When you buy Worldmark® credits from Best Timeshare, you are purchasing a lifestyle that changes with you! You select the level of credits, that meet your vacation needs. We have a variety of credit packages available that can be used at over 90 Worldmark® timeshare resort locations in the US, Canada, Mexico, Fiji, and US Virgin Islands.

We have a wide variety of resort timeshare properties in our Timeshare Inventory that are available for purchase.

View Our Worldmark® by Wyndham Timeshare Inventory

Best TimeShare would be happy to discuss the different credit levels and options that are most appropriate and available to you. 

Currently, Worldmark® timeshare credits sell for over $3.70 per credit.  This means that 10,000 credits would normally cost you $37,000.00. However, through the leverage of Best Timeshare, a longstanding Worldmark® resale broker, you would pay about 90% less. What an incredible savings! Don’t buy a Worldmark® timeshare on your own when a specialized Worldmark® resale broker like Best TimeShare can leverage your interests and save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Perhaps you are ready to buy a Worldmark® timeshare or perhaps you would like additional information. Either way, don’t hesitate to email Henri at or call us at 360-340-6413.

Contact Us to Buy Worldmark® Credits

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    Being a Worldmark® owner is exciting and rewarding!

    As a premiere Worldmark® resale broker, Best Timeshare takes great personal pleasure knowing that we continually offer vacation opportunities at substantial savings. It is our goal to enrich lives with luxurious, resort vacations at unbeatable prices!

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