I get many calls from former clients and Worldmark owners who intended to take a nice relaxing vacation but fell prey to the invitation of a free gift to “come hear what is new at Worldmark.” As many of you know, as owners, Worldmark has closed most of their retail stores where many of you purchased your first account. They appear to be focusing their sales effort on the current 200,000 plus Worldmark owners, trying to push Travel Share and convince the current owners that Travel Share must be obtained if you want to have full use of their memberships. They start their current credit price extremely high and let it fall to the price they are going to sell it at regardless of to whom or when they sell it. The sales approach generally offers a perceived incentive to buy now, which is actually only a façade as everyone gets the same deal. Purchasing Travel Share and its claimed benefits at nearly $3.70 per credit, is not a deal. Many are told they cannot use or access RCI if they are not TS Qualified. Not True. Besides, you can always go to Interval International, a company that Worldmark used to say was the very best trading company.
My advice while you are on vacation is to stay out of any timeshare sales office, unless you are one of the few who are not bothered by the high pressure and you actually enjoy the game. Timeshare sellers are masters at making you feel like you are missing out if you don’t purchase today and many spend their vacation struggling over the decision to buy. Remember, you can purchase an additional account from another Worldmark member for less than .30 cents per credit and combine it with your current account. There is nothing in Travel Share that makes it worth $3.70+ per credit, in our opinion.
Enjoy your entire vacation and stay away from the offer to “come hear about all the new updates.”