Buying Your Worldmark® Timeshare

It is the recommendation of Michael Dosh at Best TimeShare that you NEVER FINANCE your Worldmark® timeshare unless it is short term and you the know the money will be available soon.

  • Cash is always accepted for your Worldmark® timeshare purchase. Made payable to Best Timeshare, you can make payment either in the form of a personal check or a cashiers check
  • PayPal.  PayPal accepts all major credit cards. PayPal charges a 2.9% + $0.30 fee on all transactions


Being a Worldmark® owner is exciting and rewarding!

As a premiere Worldmark® resale broker, Best Timeshare takes great personal pleasure knowing that we continually offer vacation opportunities at substantial savings. It is our goal to enrich lives with luxurious, resort vacations at unbeatable prices!

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