Sell Your Worldmark® Timeshare
We offer the highest return on your Worldmark® Membership
For a variety of reasons, those owning a Worldmark® timeshare may find that life and circumstances have changed. If you would like to sell your Worldmark® timeshare, Best Timeshare, in conjunction with Worldmark®, makes it seamless and easy for you.
Henri Moreau has been a Worldmark® Resale Broker for over 20 years and has transferred over 5,500 memberships. Henri is honest and trustworthy and will offer you the best price for your timeshare ownership in the shortest time possible.
- No upfront fees
- In business for 20 years
- Integrity guaranteed with every sale
- No gimmicks, no surprises, no changes
- Customer service 24/7
- We will not list your account if it will not sell
After your inquiry is received, you’ll be emailed a Worldmark® timeshare purchase quote or the guaranteed amount upon sale. Don’t worry, the transfer process is simple and we will walk you through every step of the process. If you have any questions at all, please call me directly at 360-340-6413.